
Open House on 18 May 2024

Explore why we stand for excellence in German-speaking education, proudly endorsed by the Swiss and German governments for over six decades. Our commitment is unmatched, guiding students from Nursery through Grade 12.

Join our Open House Info Session on Saturday, May 18 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

For more than sixty years, our students enjoy a unique advantage, mastering fluency in both German and English while immersing themselves in the rich cultures and values of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. We represent authentic education of the highest academic standards, preparing our students to become global citizens with profound respect for our world.

Our bilingual Swiss Matura diploma ensures direct access to top-tier universities in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and beyond, while our focus on teaching five languages makes us truly multilingual. With more than 30 nationalities we are truly international fostering a strong network, encouraging participation and a family-like atmosphere.

Meet our dedicated school management team, committed teachers, and talented students, all eager to share their experiences of the RIS Swiss Section. Hear from our school ambassadors, who embody the spirit of our community and visit our green campus with its tremendous facilities. Please inform us about your attendance via the sign-up form.

Visitors of the Info Session on the soccer field
Teacher plays with children on a play table
Visitors attending the school tour during the Info Session

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Open House Day!