

In Switzerland and Germany, the Secondary School consists of the Lower and Upper Secondary (Secondary I and II) depending on the performance level.

Hence, RIS Swiss Section – Deutschsprachige Schule Bangkok offers three programs that may be completed with the respective secondary school leaving certificate:

GradesPerformance LevelCertificate
7-12GymnasiumSwiss Maturity (Bilingual German-English)
7-10German Realschule (Swiss Sekundarschule)German Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife)
7-9German Hauptschule (Swiss Realschule)German Hauptschulabschluss

Figure 1: Secondary I and II Performance Levels and School Leaving Certificates

Gymnasium (Secondary I and II, Grades 7-8 and 9-12)

Our Gymnasium is accredited by Switzerland and supervised by our Swiss sponsor Canton of Lucerne that also delivers our successful graduates their Maturity certificate – the key to international university studies.

Suitable for intellectually capable, motivated and independently working students who target pursuing university studies in the future, a Swiss Gymnasium offers a broad, balanced and coherent full-time curriculum that emphasizes both general and specialized education consisting of compulsory core and elective subjects as well as a final mini-dissertation on a personally elected topic. Thus, students are given the opportunity to study to a significant extent by focusing on personal interests and strengths.

The Swiss Bilingual Maturity is the variety of the Swiss Maturity that prominently focuses on foreign language acquisition and usage by offering some subjects taught immersively in a second language (English, French or Spanish). At the RIS Swiss Section – Deutschsprachige Schule Bangkok, from Grades 9-12, the subject matter of the basic subjects biology, chemistry, introduction to economy and law, philosophy, as well as the elective subjects biology, chemistry and geography, are acquired in English.

At the end of their school career, in Grade 12, students pen and orally present their Maturity dissertation and take five final written and oral Maturity exams in German, English, mathematics and their electives, i.e. their focus subjects (either Spanish or physics and applied mathematics) and complementary subject (either geography/history or biology/chemistry).

Successful graduates are awarded the Swiss Maturity certificate that gives access to tertiary education worldwide.

German Realschule / Swiss Sekundarschule (Secondary I, Grades 7-10)

The German Realschule/Swiss Sekundarschule spans over four years and is completed with the German secondary leaving certificate called Realschulabschluss (Mittlere Reife). This qualification is also recognized as an equivalent to the Thai secondary school (Mathayom 3).

The German Realschule/Swiss Sekundarschule is aimed at students with practical abilities and competencies who target practical higher demanding training programs and occupations.

Our small classes allow us to jointly instruct our secondary school students of all three, then two levels in many subjects by differentiating their learning material, exams and grading scale.

From Grades 7-10, German Realschule/Swiss Sekundarschule students may transfer to the Gymnasium if they qualify regarding their profile and grades.

German Hauptschule / Swiss Realschule (Secondary I, Grades 7-9)

The German Hauptschule/Swiss Realschule lasts three years and is completed with the German secondary-leaving certificate called Hauptschulabschluss. This qualification is also recognized as an equivalent to the Thai secondary school (Mathayom 3).

The German Hauptschule/Swiss Realschule is aimed at students with practical abilities and competencies who target practical technical and vocational training programs and occupations.

Our small classes allow us to jointly instruct our secondary school students of all three levels in many subjects by differentiating their learning material, exams and grading scale.

From Grades 7-9, German Hauptschule/Swiss Realschule students may transfer to the German Realschule/Swiss Sekundarschule if they qualify regarding their profile and grades.

NB: Please note that the RIS Swiss Section – Deutschsprachige Schule Bangkok is not suitable for students requiring special education.