
Overview Kindergarten

Kindergarten represents the step from the family into society for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years and prepares them for a successful integration into our school. It supports, fosters and accompanies children in this process and complements the partnership built between the child and parents with the aim of educating and teaching them. The emphasis centers on playful and joyful learning and holistic education. 

Support based on each child’s personal development is the focus of our educational work. The main emphasis is to understand the world through one’s own experiences. By means of targeted lessons the child gets to know him/herself, his/her own body and his/her environment and thereby gains self-awareness and self-confidence.

In Kindergarten, the classroom language is German completed with playful English language lessons. The homeroom teachers and subject teachers are native-speakers of German or English as well as experienced specialists in early language acquisition.  

In Kindergarten, 30 lessons are taught per week. The classes run from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on a flexible schedule (only Physical Education, German as a Foreign Language, English and the library lessons are set). Lunch is catered directly to the Kindergarten classrooms.


Our Kindergarten curriculum, based on the Swiss and German curricula, is well-balanced and consists of different areas of learning and discovery:

  • Language skills in German and English taught by native speakers
  • Early literacy in an environment where reading aloud and library visits are natural
  • Playful math concept with the German research project “Let´s visit Numberland”
  • Personal and emotional development: socialization and self-confidence are fostered
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world with selected, age-appropriate themes
  • Creative development through arts, crafts and music
  • Physical development through sports and psychomotricity lessons
  • Project weeks, European/Thai cultural celebrations and local excursions
  • Additional classes for German as a foreign/second language

Children are allowed to develop in their own way and at their own pace with a holistic perspective. Between the ages of 3 to 5 play is the most important element of learning. Learning by doing, experiencing and understanding is essential – students are encouraged to do as many things as possible themselves, resulting in having a healthy sense of self-confidence. Thus, the students can create a solid foundation for later on at school.

Transfer to Primary

Kindergarten is the ideal preparation for entering the Basis Level. Children usually spend two years in Kindergarten (approximately until age 5) and are then promoted to the Basis Level.